Rammstein by Rammsturm & Drive your life LIVE @ Manufactura Tm
Timis , Timisoara.
Vineri 27 Aprilie 2018 20:00
Manufactura,str Tudor Vladimirescu nr 9
Categorii: Cluburi si Discoteci , Muzica si Concerte
Rammstein by Rammsturm feat. Drive Your Life @ Manufactura
Rammstein Tribute with RAMMSTURM
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Rammsturm este poate cea mai renumita trupa de Rammstein Tribut din Ungaria, inca din 2014, care, din pasiune pentru formatia nemteasca, reuseste in fiecare concert sa reproduca perfect atmosfera Ramm-like.
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Rammsturm is probably the most well known Rammstein tribute band from Hungary. Out of passion for the German troup, Rammsturm succeeds in reproducing the Ramm-like feeling with every concert.
DRIVE YOUR LIFE - Death N Roll ; Metal ; Hard Core (Varna)
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"Psychosounds Music" va invita la lansarea celui de-al doilea album de studio al formatiei DRIVE YOUR LIFE (Varna, BG) - "The Wizard of Death", un album complet, unde sonoritatile death'n'roll sunt foarte bine reproduse.
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"Psychosounds Music" welcomes you to the launch of DRIVE YOUR LIFE's (Varna, BG) second studio album - "The Wizard of Death", a complex album with verry well reproduces death'n'roll sounds.
RSVP: 0722.892.356
Mai multe detalii: https://www.facebook.com/events/1683973578291765/
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